
The Good Ones

A couple of days ago my daughter came back from school with a drawing of the outline of India. I was convinced that it was done using a stencil, but to my utter surprise, she nonchalantly stated that she had drawn it freehand. It was a very good freehand drawing. She's only five.

This got me thinking of the time when I was in the 10th standard studying in Delhi - I must have been fourteen years old - when my geography teacher, Mrs. Jaya, asked someone to volunteer to draw the Indian map on the board. I loved Mrs. Jaya, and in my bid to impress her, I jumped right out of my seat, grabbed the chalk and proceeded to draw the map. I was pretty confident that it was a good one; Mrs. Jaya took the chalk from me, went to the board, drew a circle around the Southern Peninsula and said, "This part is excellent."

Back in my seat and now in a position to clearly see the 'map' in all its entirety, I right away knew that it was a piece of cr*p! But, I couldn't get over how Mrs. Jaya, despite the hideousness and inaccuracy, found something nice to say to me.

Some people are just born to build others up. Imagine them as teachers - healing hearts from broken homes, pumping love into low self-esteems and filling pained minds, ears and heads with kind and uplifting words.

Remembering with love and admiration all my teachers who did all of that for me.



Hello, virtual space traveler,

I last blogged here over four years ago. What? What kept me from blogging all these years? Nothing much; just body altering, life altering, hormones altering, brain cells rearranging, topsy-turvying childbirth/motherhood, that's all.

I've decided to once again force my opinions, experiences, tips and tricks, observations, dry sarcasm, drier humour and pathetic jokes on unsuspecting readers. Pishkew! Pishkew! (That's me shooting air bullets with my finger gun, btw.)

Be back soon with some super dumb ideas.

My Ammachi's Hut

Last night I dreamt of my Ammachi's hut It was different from what I'd known it to be;  Bigger, with a few more rooms, And a backyar...